In seventeenth-century Europe, absolutism was a reaction to instability. In England, the desire of King James II to practice his Catholic faith openly was opposed by Parliament, ending in the creation of a constitutional monarchy under the jOint rule of William III and Mary II. Mary's life mirrors the conflicts of her time. Raised as a Protestant, she reluctantly overthrew her own Catholic father, James II.
What will they want you to know next year?
Lesson 1: Europe in Crisis
Spain's Conflicts
Spain's Militant Catholicism
Resistance From the Netherlands
Protestantism in England
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
The French Wars of Religion
Henry IV and the Edict of Nantes
Crises in Europe
Economic and Social Crises
The Witchcraft Trials
The Thirty Years' War
Lesson 2: War and Revolution in England
Revolutions in England
The Stuarts and Divine Right
Civil War and Commonwealth
The Restoration
A Glorious Revolution
Legal and Political Thought
Lesson 3: Absolutism in Europe
France Under Louis XIV
Louis in Power
Legacy of Louis XIV
The Spread of Absolutism
The Decline of Spain
The Emergence of Prussia
The New Austrian Empire
Peter the Great
Lesson 4: European Culture After the Renaissance
Art After the Renaissance
Baroque Art
Baroque Music
Golden Age of Literature
England's Shakespeare
Spain's Cervantes and Vega
Chapter Introduction
Chapter Reading Guide
Chapter Review Sheet
Chapter Study Guide
Chapter Place and Time – large small
Chapter Skillbuilder
Lessons in text-only form
Lesson 18-1
Lesson 18-2
Lesson 18-3
Lesson 18-4