World History A


World War I slowed the push toward independence among colonies in many parts of the world, but the end of the war gave a new strength to these efforts. Mohandas Gandhi was the charismatic leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule. He was committed to nonviolent action as a method for political and social change. Using peaceful methods, he eventually led India to independence. His actions inspired people to seek the end of colonialism, racism, and violence.

Looking Ahead to AP Euro...

What will they want you to know next year?


Lesson 1: Nationalism in the Middle East

Decline of the Ottoman Empire
 Impact of World War I
 The Armenian Genocide
Middle East Changes
 The Modernization of Turkey
 The Beginnings of Modern Iran
 Arab Nationalism
 Saudi Arabia
 Palestine and the Balfour Declaration

Lesson 2: Nationalism in Africa and Asia

African Independence Movements
 African Protests
 New Leaders
Revolution in Southeast Asia
Indian Independence
 Protest and Reform
 A Push for Independence
 New Leaders and Problems
A Militarist Japan
 A Zaibatsu Economy
 Japan and the West
 The Rise of Militarism

Lesson 3: Revolutionary Chaos in China

Nationalists and Communists
 The Nationalist-Communist Alliance
 The Communists in Hiding
 The Long March
The New China
 A Class Divide
 Innovations and Traditions
 Limited Progress

Lesson 4: Nationalism in Latin America

The Latin American Economy
 Role of the United States
 Impact of the Great Depression
Authoritarian Rule
Culture in Latin America


Chapter Reading Guide
Chapter Review Sheet
Chapter Study Guide
Chapter Place and Time –  largesmall
Chapter Skillbuilder

Lessons in text-only form
  Lesson 29-1
  Lesson 29-2
  Lesson 29-3
  Lesson 29-4