Romanticism (1765-1850)
Subjects: medieval subjects, powerful nature, imagination over realism
Notable Artists: Friedrich, Goya, Géricault, Turner, Constable, Delacroix, Bierstadt
Etc.: art that celebrates passions, intense personal expression, melancholy, hopelessness, despair

Wanderer Above the Sea of FogCaspar David Friedrich

The Third of May 1808Francisco Goya

Raft of the MedusaThéodore Géricault

Rain, Steam, and SpeedJ.M.W. Turner

The Hay WainJohn Constable

The Valley of YosemiteAlbert Bierstadt

Cemetery EntranceCaspar David Friedrich

The Milkmaid of BordeauxFrancisco Goya

Death at SardanapalusThéodore Géricault

The Fighting TemeraireJ.M.W. Turner

Salisbury MeadowsJohn Constable

Emigrants Crossing the PlainsAlbert Bierstadt

Two Men Contemplating the MoonCaspar David Friedrich

The MadhouseFrancisco Goya

Massacre at ScioThéodore Géricault

The Slave ShipJ.M.W. Turner

Flatford MillJohn Constable

Looking Up the Yosemite ValleyAlbert Bierstadt