Art Nouveau (1895-1915) click on works to see a larger image
Subjects: varied, especially idealized women
Techniques: flowing, twisting lines of nature, simplicity, muted colors, two-dimensional (“flat”)
imagery; muted colors, natural imagery
Notable Artists: Mucha, Klimt, Bearsley, Lalique, Tiffany, Lautrec,
Etc.: influenced by Japanese woodblock printing, Arts & Crafts Movement;
created posters (especially advertising)

Biscuits Lefevre UtileAlphonse Mucha

The KissGustave Klimt

The KissAubrey Beardsley

Woman-Butterfly BroochRené Lalique

Autumn Landscape WindowLouis Comfort Tiffany

Moët & ChandonAlphonse Mucha

Judith and the Head of HolofernesGustave Klimt

The ClimaxAubrey Beardsley

Dragonfly Woman BroochRené Lalique

Wisteria Table LampLouis Comfort Tiffany

ZodiacAlphonse Mucha

Hope IIGustave Klimt

Venus between Terminal GodsAubrey Beardsley

Winged Sylph BroochRené Lalique

Peacock VaseLouis Comfort Tiffany