Citizen Participation in a Democracy

How can you make a difference in a democracy?


Civic participation is essential in a democracy. Citizens who get involved in civic and community groups help to strengthen civil society. At the same time, they tend to become more engaged in the political process.

Rights and responsibilities of Americans U.S. citizens have many rights. Over time, many of these rights have been extended to lawful permanent residents. Both groups also share many responsibilities, including obeying the law, paying taxes, and, for males, registering for military service.

Becoming a citizen There are two types of U.S. citizens: native born and naturalized. Naturalization is a process that takes many months. Naturalized citizens receive most of the benefits enjoyed by native-born citizens.

Political culture Most Americans share a common set of beliefs and values about politics and government. This political culture helps to unite Americans, even when they differ over ideology. The two most prominent political ideologies in this country are liberalism and conservatism.

Civic engagement Citizens can engage in civic life in many ways. When they do so, they help to build a stronger civil society.