AP Psychology

Module 23 - Sleep Patterns and Sleep Theories


Sleep - the irresistible tempter to whom we inevitably succumb. Sleep-the equalizer of teachers and teens. Sleep - sweet, renewing, mysterious sleep. While sleeping, you may feel "dead to the world," but you are not. Even when you are deeply asleep, your perceptual window is open a crack. You move around on your bed, but you manage not to fall out. The occasional roar of passing vehicles may leave your deep sleep undisturbed, but a cry from a baby's room quickly interrupts it. So does the sound of your name. Electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings confirm that the brain's auditory cortex responds to sound stimuli even during sleep (Kutas, 1990). And when you are asleep, as when you are awake, you process most information outside your conscious awareness.

Many of sleep's mysteries are now being solved as some people sleep, attached to recording devices, while others observe. By recording brain waves and muscle movements, and by observing and occasionally waking sleepers, researchers are glimpsing things that a thousand years of common sense never told us. Perhaps you can anticipate some of their discoveries. Are the following statements true or false?

  1. When people dream of performing some activity, their limbs often move in concert with the dream.
  2. Older adults sleep more than young adults.
  3. Sleepwalkers are acting out their dreams.
  4. Sleep experts recommend treating insomnia with an occasional sleeping pill.
  5. Some people dream every night; others seldom dream.
All these statements (adapted from Palladino & Carducci, 1983) are false. To see why, read on.

Biological Rhythms and Sleep

Like the ocean, life has its rhythmic tides. Over varying periods, our bodies fluctuate, and with them, our minds. Let's look more closely at two of those biological rhythms - our 24hour biological clock and our 90-minute sleep cycle.

Circadian Rhythm

FOCUS QUESTION: How do our biological rhythms influence our daily functioning?

The rhythm of the day parallels the rhythm of life-from our waking at a new day's birth to our nightly return to what Shakespeare called "death's counterfeit. II Our bodies roughly synchronize with the 24-hour cycle of day and night by an internal biological clock called the circadian rhythm (from the Latin circa, “about” and diem, "day"). As morning approaches, body temperature rises, then peaks during the day, dips for a time in early afternoon (when many people take siestas), and begins to drop again in the evening. Thinking is sharpest and memory most accurate when we are at our daily peak in circadian arousal. Try pulling an all-nighter or working an occasional night shift. You'll feel groggiest in the middle of the night but may gain new energy when your normal wake-up time arrives.

Age and experience can alter our circadian rhythm. Most teens and young adults are "owls," with performance improving across the day (May & Hasher, 1998). Most older adults are morning-loving "larks," with performance declining as the day wears on. By mid-evening, when the night has hardly begun for many young adults, retirement homes are typically quiet. At about age 20 (slightly earlier for women), we begin to shift from being owls to being larks (Roenneberg et al., 2004). Women become more morning oriented as they have children and also as they transition to menopause (Leonhard & Randier, 2009; RandIer & Bausback, 2010). Morning types tend to do better in school, to take more initiative, and to be less vulnerable to depression (RandIer, 2008, 2009; RandIer & Frech, 2009).

Sleep Stages

FOCUS QUESTION: What is the biological rhythm of our sleeping and dreaming stages?

Sooner or later, sleep overtakes us and consciousness fades as different parts of our brain's cortex stop communicating (Massim.ini et al., 2005). Yet the sleeping brain remains active and has its own biological rhythm.

About every 90 minutes, we cycle through four distinct sleep stages. This simple fact apparently was unknown until 8-year-old Armond Aserinsky went to bed one night in 1952. His father, Eugene, a University of Chicago graduate student, needed to test an electroencephalograph he had repaired that day (Aserinsky, 1988; Seligman & Yellen, 1987). Placing electrodes near Armond's eyes to record the rolling eye movements then believed to occur during sleep, Aserinsky watched the machine go wild, tracing deep zigzags on the graph paper. Could the machine still be broken? As the night proceeded and the activity recurred, Aserinsky realized that the periods of fast, jerky eye movements were accompanied by energetic brain activity. Awakened during one such episode, Armond reported having a dream. Aserinsky had discovered what we now know as REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep) .

Similar procedures used with thousands of volunteers showed the cycles were a normal part of sleep (Kleitman, 1960). To appreciate these studies, imagine yourself as a participant. As the hour grows late, you feel sleepy and yawn in response to reduced brain metabolism. (Yawning, which can be socially contagious, stretches your neck muscles and increases your heart rate, which increases your alertness [Moorcroft, 2003].) When you are ready for bed, a researcher comes in and tapes electrodes to your scalp (to detect your brain waves), on your chin (to detect muscle tension), and just outside the corners of your eyes (to detect eye movements) (FIGURE 23.1). Other devices will record your heart rate, respiration rate, and genital arousal.

When you are in bed with your eyes closed, the researcher in the next room sees on the EEG the relatively slow alpha waves of your awake but relaxed state (FIGURE 23.2). As you adapt to all this equipment, you grow tired and, in an unremembered moment, slip into sleep (FIGURE 23.3). The transition is marked by the slowed breathing and the irregular brain waves of non-REM stage 1 sleep. Using the new American Academy of Sleep Medicine classification of sleep stages, this is called NREM-1 (Silber et a1., 2008).

In one of his 15,000 research participants, William Dement (1999) observed the moment the brain's perceptual window to the outside world slammed shut. Dement asked this sleepdeprived young man, lying on his back with eyelids taped open, to press a button every time a strobe light flashed in his eyes (about every 6 seconds). After a few minutes the young man missed one. Asked why, he said, "Because there was no flash." But there was a flash. He missed unconsciousness resulting from it because (as his brain activity revealed) he had a coma, general anesthesia, or fallen asleep for 2 seconds, missing not only the flash 6 inches from his nose but also the awareness of the abrupt moment of entry into sleep.

During this brief NREM-1 sleep you may experience fantastic images resembling hallucinations-sensory experiences that occur without a sensory stimulus. You may have a sensation of falling (at which moment your body may suddenly jerk) or of floating weightlessly. These hypnagogic sensations may later be incorporated into your memories. People who claim to have been abducted by aliens - often shortly after getting into bed - commonly recall being floated off of or pinned down on their beds (Clancy, 2005).

You then relax more deeply and begin about 20 minutes of NREM-2 sleep, with its periodic sleep spindles-bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain-wave activity (see Figure 23.2). Although you could still be awakened without too much difficulty, you are now clearly asleep.

Then you transition to the deep sleep of NREM -3. During this slow-wave sleep, which lasts for about 30 minutes, your brain emits large, slow delta waves and you are hard to awaken. Ever say to classmates, "That thunder was so loud last night," only to have them respond, "What thunder?" Those who missed the storm may have been in delta sleep. (It is at the end of the deep, slow-wave NREM -3 sleep that children may wet the bed.)


About an hour after you first fall asleep, a strange thing happens. You start to leave behind the stages known as NREM sleep. Rather than continuing in deep slumber, you ascend from your initial sleep dive. Returning through NREM-2 (where you spend about half your night), you enter the most intriguing sleep phase-REM sleep (FIGURE 23.4). For about 10 minutes, your brain waves become rapid and saw-toothed, more like those of the nearly awake NREM-1 sleep. But unlike NREM-1, during REM sleep your heart rate rises, your breathing becomes rapid and irregular, and every half-minute or so your eyes dart around in momentary bursts of activity behind closed lids.

These eye movements announce the beginning of a dream-often emotional, usually story-like, and richly hallucinatory. Because anyone watching a sleeper's eyes can notice these REM bursts, it is amazing that science was ignorant of REM sleep until 1952.

Except during very scary dreams, your genitals become aroused during REM sleep. You have an erection or increased vaginal lubrication, regardless of whether the dream's content is sexual (Karacan et al., 1966). Men's common "morning erection" stems from the night's last REM period, often just before waking.

Your brain's motor cortex is active during REM sleep, but your brainstem blocks its messages. This leaves your muscles relaxed, so much so that, except for an occasional finger, toe, or facial twitch, you are essentially paralyzed. Moreover, you cannot easily be awakened. (This immobility may occasionally linger as you awaken from REM sleep, producing a disturbing experience of sleep paralysis [Santomauro & French, 2009].) REM sleep is thus sometimes called paradoxical sleep: The body is internally aroused, with waking-like brain activity, yet asleep and externally calm.

The sleep cycle repeats itself about every 90 minutes. As the night wears on, deep NREM -3 sleep grows shorter and disappears. The REM and NREM2 sleep periods get longer (see Figure 23.4). By morning, we have spent 20 to 25 percent of an average night's sleep-some 100 minutes-in REM sleep. Thirty-seven percent of people report rarely or never having dreams "that you can remember the next morning" (Moore, 2004). Yet even they will, more than 80 percent of the time, recall a dream after being awakened during REM sleep. We spend about 600 hours a year experiencing some 1500 dreams, or more than 100,000 dreams over a typical lifetime dreams swallowed by the night but not acted out, thanks to REM's protective paralysis.

What Affects Our Sleep Patterns?

FOCUS QUESTION: How do biology and environment interact in our sleep patterns?

The idea that "everyone needs 8 hours of sleep" is untrue. Newborns often sleep two-thirds of their day, most adults no more than one-third. Still, there is more to our sleep differences than age. Some of us thrive with fewer than 6 hours per night; others regularly rack up 9 hours or more. Such sleep patterns are genetically influenced (Hor &Tafti, 2009). In studies ' of fraternal and identical twins, only the identical twins had strikingly similar sleep patterns and durations (Webb & Campbell, 1983). Today’s researchers are discovering the genes that regulate sleep in humans and animals (Donlea et al., 2009; He et al., 2009).

Sleep patterns are also culturally influenced. In the United States and Canada, adults average 7 to 8 hours per night (Hurst, 2008; National Sleep Foundation, 2010; Robinson & Martin, 2009). (The weeknight sleep of many students and workers falls short of this average [NSF, 2008].) North Americans are nevertheless sleeping less than their counterparts a century ago. Thanks to modern lighting, shift work, and social media and other diversions, those who would have gone to bed at 9:00 P.M. are now up until 11:00 P.M. or later. With sleep, as with waking behavior, biology and environment interact.

Bright morning light tweaks the circadian clock by activating light-sensitive retinal proteins. These proteins control the circadian clock by triggering signals to the brain's suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)-a pair of grain-of-rice-sized, 10,000-cell clusters in the hypothalamus (Wirz-Justice, 2009). The SCN does its job in part by causing the brain's pineal gland to decrease its production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin in the morning and to increase it in the evening (FIGURE 23.5 on the next page).

Being bathed in light disrupts our 24-hour biological clock (Czeisler et al., 1999; Dement, 1999). Curiously-given that our ancestors' body clocks were attuned to the rising and setting Sun of the 24-hour day-many of to day's young adults adopt something closer to a 25-hour day, by staying up too late to get 8 hours of sleep. For this, we can thank (or blame) Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb. This helps explain why, until our later years, we must discipline ourselves to go to bed and force ourselves to get up. Most animals, too, when placed under unnatural constant illumination will exceed a 24-hour day. Artificial light delays sleep.

Sleep often eludes those who stay up late and sleep in on weekends, and then go to bed earlier on Sunday evening in preparation for the new school week (Oren & Terman, 1998). They are like New Yorkers whose biology is on California time. For North Americans who fly to Europe and need to be up when their circadian rhythm cries "SLEEP," bright light (spending the next day outdoors) helps reset the biological clock (Czeisler et al., 1986, 1989; Eastman et al., 1995).

Sleep Theories

FOCUS QUESTION: What are sleep's functions?

So, our sleep patterns differ from person to person and from culture to culture. But why do we have this need for sleep? Psychologists believe sleep may have evolved for five reasons.

  1. Sleep protects. When darkness shut down the day's hunting, food gathering, and travel, our distant ancestors were better off asleep in a cave, out of harm's way. Those who didn't try to navigate around rocks and cliffs at night were more likely to leave descendants, This fits a broader principle: A species'sleep pattern tends to suit its ecological niche (Siegel, 2009).Animals with the greatest need to graze and the least ability to hide tend to sleep less. (For a sampling of animal sleep times, see FIGURE 23.6.)
  2. Sleep helps us recuperate. It helps restore and repair brain tissue. Bats and other animals with high waking metabolism burn a lot of calories, producing a lot of free radicals, molecules that are toxic to neurons. Sleeping a lot gives resting neurons time to repair themselves, while pruning or weakening unused connections (Gilestro et al., 2009; Siegel, 2003; Vyazovskiy et al., 2008). Think of it this way: When consciousness leaves your house, brain construction workers come in for a makeover.
  3. Sleep helps restore and rebuild our fading memories of the day's experiences. Sleep consolidates our memories-it strengthens and stabilizes neural memory traces (Racsmany et a1., 2010; Rasch & Born, 2008). People trained to perform tasks therefore recall them better after a night's sleep, or even after a short nap, than after several hours awake (Stickgold & Ellenbogen, 2008). Among older adults, more sleep leads to better memory of recently learned material (Drummond, 2010). After sleeping well, seniors remember more. And in both humans and rats, neural activity during slow-wave sleep re-enacts and promotes recall of prior novel experiences (Peigneux et a1., 2004; Ribeiro et a1., 2004). Sleep, it seems, strengthens memories in a way that being awake does not.
  4. Sleep feeds creative thinking. On occasion, dreams have inspired noteworthy literary, artistic, and scientific achievements, such as the dream that clued chemist August Kekule to the structure of benzene (Ross, 2006).More commonplace is the boost that a complete night's sleep gives to our thinking and learning.After working on a task, then sleeping on it, people solve problems more insightfully than do those who stay awake (Wagner et a1., 2004).They also are better at spotting connections among novel pieces of information (Ellenbogen et a1., 2007). To think smart and see connections, it often pays to sleep on it.
  5. Sleep supports growth. During deep sleep, the pituitary gland releases a growth hormone. This hormone is necessary for muscle development. A regular full night's sleep can also"dramatically improve your athletic ability," report James Maas and Rebecca Robbins (see Close-up: Sleep and Athletic Performance). As we age, we release less of this hormone and spend less time in deep sleep (Pekkanen, 1982).

Given all the benefits of sleep, it's no wonder that sleep loss hits us so hard.

Sleep and Athletic Performance

Exercise improves sleep. What's not as widely known, report James Maas and Rebecca Robbins (2010), is that sleep improves athletic performance. Well-rested athletes have faster reaction times, more energy, and greater endurance, and teams that build 8 to 10 hours of daily sleep into their training show improved performance. Top violinists also report sleeping 8.5 hours a day on average, and rate practice and sleep as the two most important improvement-fostering activities (Ericsson et al., 1993).

Slow-wave sleep, which occurs mostly in the first half of a night's sleep, produces the human growth hormone necessary for muscle development. REM sleep and NREM-2 sleep, which occur mostly in the final hours of a long night 's sleep, help strengthen the neural connections that build enduring memories, including the "muscle memories" learned while practicing tennis or shooting baskets. The optimal exercise time is late afternoon or early evening, Maas and Robbins advise, when the body's natural cooling is most efficient. Early morning workouts are ill-advised, because they increase the risk of injury and rob athletes of valuable sleep. Heavy workouts within three hours of bedtime should also be avoided because the arousal disrupts falling asleep. Precision muscle training, such as shooting free throws, may, however, benefit when followed by sleep.

Maas has been a sleep consultant for college and professional athletes and teams. On Maas' advice, the Orlando Magic cut early morning practices. He also advised one young woman, Sarah Hughes, who felt stymied in her efforts to excel in figure-skating competition. "Cut the early morning practice," he instructed, as part of the recommended sleep regimen. Soon thereafter, Hughes' performance scores increased, culminating in her 2002 Olympic gold medal.

Before You Move On

ASK YOURSELF: Would you consider yourself a night owl or a morning lark? When do you usually feel most energetic? What time of day works best for you to study?

TEST YOURSELF: What five theories explain our need for sleep?