What's in AP Psych?

Semester 1

Unit 1: History and Approaches

 1 Psychology's History
 2 Psychology's Big Issues and Approaches
 3 Careers in Psychology

Unit 2: Research Methods

 4 The Need for Psychological Science
 5 The Scientific Method and Description
 6 Correlation and Experimentation
 7 Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life
 8 Frequently Asked Questions About Psychology

Unit 3: Biological Bases of Behavior

 9 Biological Psychology and Neurotransmission
10 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
11 Studying the Brain, and Older Brain Structures
12 The Cerebral Cortex
13 Brain Hemisphere Organization and the Biology of Consciousness
14 Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences
15 Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding Human Nature

Unit 4: Sensation and Perception

16 Basic Principles of Sensation and Perception
17 Influences on Perception
18 Vision
19 Visual Organization and Interpretation
20 Hearing
21 The Other Senses

Unit 5: States of Consciousness

22 Understanding Consciousness and Hypnosis
23 Sleep Patterns and Sleep Theories
24 Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders, and Dreams
25 Psychoactive Drugs

Unit 6: Learning

26 How We Learn and Classical Conditioning
27 Operant Conditioning
28 Operant Conditioning's Applications, and Comparison to Classical Conditioning
29 Biology, Cognition, and Learning
30 Learning by Observation

Unit 7: Cognition

31 Studying and Building Memories
32 Memory Storage and Retrieval
33 Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Memory Improvement
34 Thinking, Concepts, and Creativity
35 Solving Problems and Making Decisions
36 Thinking and Language

Unit 8: Motivation and Emotion

37 Motivational Concepts
38 Hunger Motivation
39 Sexual Motivation
40 Social Motivation: Affiliation Needs
41 Theories and Physiology of Emotion
42 Expressed Emotion
43 Stress and Health
44 Stress and Illness

Semester 2

Unit 9: Developmental Psychology

45 Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn
46 Infancy and Childhood: Physical Development
47 Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development
48 Infancy and Childhood: Social Development
49 Gender Development
50 Parents, Peers, and Early Experiences
51 Adolescence:Physical and Cognitive Development
52 Adolescence:Social Development and Emerging Adulthood
53 Sexual Development
54 Adulthood: Physical, Cognitive, and Social Development

Unit 10: Personality

55 Freud's Psychoanalytic Perspective: Exploring the Unconscious
56 Psychodynamic Theories and Modern Views of the Unconscious
57 Humanistic Theories
58 Trait Theories
59 Social-Cognitive Theories and Exploring the Self

Unit 11: Testing and Individual Differences

60 Introduction to Intelligence
61 Assessing Intelligence
62 The Dynamics of Intelligence
63 Studying Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence
64 Group Differences and the Question of Bias

Unit 12: Abnormal Behavior

65 Introduction to Psychological Disorders
66 Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
67 Mood Disorders
68 Schizophrenia
69 Other Disorders

Unit 13: Treatment of Abnormal Behavior

70 Introduction to Therapy, and Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies
71 Behavior, Cognitive, and Group Therapies
72 Evaluating Psychotherapies and Prevention Strategies
73 The Biomedical Therapies

Unit 14: Social Psychology

74 Attribution, Attitudes, and Actions
75 Conformity and Obedience
76 Group Behavior
77 Prejudice and Discrimination
78 Aggression
79 Attraction
80 Altruism, Conflict, and Peacemaking

Test Preparation