AP European History


The Reformation

The Baroque Period of Art

The visual arts began to flourish and become more awe-inspiring; thus, Baroque art was born. The general intent of the Baroque period was to create a unity where all forms of art in a single expressive purpose could converge toward a single aim: to engage the viewer physically and emotionally. This art was meant to overpower the viewer and make the viewer feel small in comparison to the art and its subject matter. The term “Baroque” derives from a Portuguese word jewelers used to denote an irregularity in a misshapen or irregular pearl. Baroque therefore literally meant imperfect, grotesque, or absurd. The Baroque era began in the late sixteenth century in Italy and ended in some areas around the early nineteenth century.

Some examples of Baroque painters and their defining characteristics include:

In the musical world:

Eventually, the Baroque style led to the Rococo Style of art, characterized by elegance, pleasantness, and frivolity. It greatly contrasted the emotional grandeur of the Baroque.